Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Flip-Flop Disease

Summer is here and people are taking off their clothes in layers including their shoes. In the quest to cool down in the intense summer heat many people turn to flip-flops as their primary shoes.

For many, these shoes are a great alternative to normal shoes that keep in heat and don't let the summer sun penetrate. But for some people flip-flops can create a problem known as plantar fasciitis. One of the most common foot injuries, plantar fasciitis is a painful inflammatory condition of the bottom of the foot caused by inflammation of the fascia. There are ligaments that run the entire length of your foot and serve as a shock absorber for the bottom of you foot. It is a common injury for long distance runners it can also cause havoc for non-athletes as well.

Supporting the arch of the foot this taught band of tissue supports the bottom of the foot. With excessive force, standing on hard floors for prolong periods, weight gain, loss of strength in the calves, obesity and shoes without proper arch support can all be causes of this condition.

Most flip-flops are flat with no support of the foot which can lead to a prolapsed arch that can lead to an inflammation of the plantar fascia. This can be a painful condition limiting the patient to movement due to the severe pain.

At the Conway Clinic we've had tremendous success in not only relieving this condition but showing you tips on how to prevent this condition from returning. You don't have to live with this condition...find relief today call us now at 570-287-7070.

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