Recently a young many entered my office with his mother reporting that he recently had complete ACL reconstructive surgery of his right knee. He began with rehab at a local center but both the young man and his mother were upset with the way they were going about his rehab. He was told that he would have to be in rehab for a minimum of 6 months before he could return to football.
I accepted the case to begin to rehab this young mans knee however it was explained to the patient and his mother that I would be doing it my way as opposed to the rehab that was outlined by his orthopedic surgeon. Having witnessed other work that I've done with other athletes they agreed and we began his rehab.
Using new treatment protocols that consisted of MyoFascial Disruption Technique (MFDT) and using the ARPwave the young man was able to perform a slow jog in three weeks of beginning his rehab. This young man was determined to get better and worked very hard to get back to playing his favorite sport football. With continued treatment and advancing him into a strength program we were able to set him up for a stress test of his knee to see if he was able to properly absorb first. He was tested with running at first at 50% of his normal sprint speed. Eventually taking him up to 100% for 15 - 15 yard sprints. The young man reported no pain, full range of motion and was able to recover without any muscle soreness.
I released this patient from active treatment at 7 weeks of care with instructions to return to his conditioning for football. Following up with this athletes after four weeks there was no report of any pain or disability.
If you are dealing with chronic pain of any kind its well worth your time to find out how you can be helped with the latest technology in sports injury treatment. Our state-of-the-art treatments can have you feeling much better in a much quicker time that you thought possible.
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