Most lower back pain is caused by overuse to the muscles. This then puts a strain on the ligaments which ends up not stabilizing the bones in the back. This can cause pinched nerves, disc problems that can lead to severe back and leg pain. Most of us who treat backs for a living believe that with repetitive weakness of your lower back can lead to structural degeneration of the spine.
Once a person injures their lower back they tend to move away from the pain. They begin to walk differently to protect themselves against the pain using muscles that were not intended for that particular movement. We call this compensation pattern. This compensation pattern causes the muscles that weren’t designed in the first place to do this type of work to fatigue putting more stress on other muscles in the area. As time goes on the muscles begin to shut down functionally which leads to other complications.
It’s very rare for anyone to wake up with severe back pain unless they were in some type of traumatic situation. Someone with severe lower back pain developed that pain over time. If you see someone with severe lower back pain walking bent over or walking in an extremely guarded position think to yourself somewhere along the line something happened to cause this condition – a strained muscle, over use from prolong bending, lifting something that was too heavy for them or even prolonged poor posture.
So let’s imagine that we can trace back each day of that person’s life to see what they did to start the snowball growing downhill. We look at each individual day, day by day, until we find the day that started it all. It may take months or even years until we find that day that started. But if we look back at each successive day from the day the pain began to become severe we would observe many different scenarios. Each day going backwards would be different - one day we would see the patient walking different to protect the pain, one day we would see the patient taking aspirin to dull the pain, one day we would notice the patient shifting their weight from one side to another in order to protect them from increasing the pain. As we begin to add up the days, we notice that weeks, months or even years add up to this severe outcome of lower back pain.
Could this have been prevented? Heck yea, but people have to realize that posture, strengthening exercises, and other fitness protocols are important in maintaining normal mechanics of your body.
We can all sit around and say I told you so but that isn’t going to get us anywhere. The more important question is that can this be reversed. The answer is that in just about all cases….absolutely yes!
When the muscles of the body do not absorb force properly, one of the places that force often goes is the spinal column. This force can cause damage, which causes the muscles in the low back to stay chronically tight in order to protect the area. As the force increases in the spinal column an unnatural movement occurs which can lead to inflammation which will lead to pain and sometimes disability.
Now, keep in mind that the pain that the person is feeling in the lower back “is where the damage ended, not where the damage began.”
When you can locate the origin of the damage and properly correct it then you can drastically reduce the worry of the pain returning. How many people do you know tell you about their chronic back pain. It never seems to go away…why? I hurt my shoulder or knee I have it fixed and it goes away. But lower back pain for many means a life time of misery.
A new treatment called the ARPwave has been shown to first locate the original site of damage. Once this is corrected the stress from that damaged site is relived immediately reducing the pain. This machine has been shown not only to locate the source of damage but to help rehabilitate the area to a strong supportive state lessening the change greatly of reoccurrence.
This bio-electric form of healing is years ahead of its time. Using a unique patented wave form it has shown to reduce the healing period up to 85% faster than conventional treatments. With every injury to the body, cell membranes are damaged, and the natural electrical polarity of the body is disrupted. The result is a negative charge buildup within the injured tissue. This is good at first; it is the negative charge that initiates the healing process by attracting white blood cells and promoting the growth of scar tissue. However, if the negative charge buildup does not dissipate, it becomes a liability, causing the scar tissue to adhere to the muscle tissue. This embedded scar tissue within the muscle fibers makes it impossible for the muscles to elongate fully and hence to contract maximally, thereby weakening them. ARPwave direct current breaks up this scar tissue in an efficient manner.
Simply put, the experienced doctor using this machine can locate the original area of damage, begin to eliminate the inflammation that is the underlying cause of the ongoing pain and then develop a protocol to begin to strengthen this area to prevent the pain and damage from returning.
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